BALPA Case study

BALPA Case study

Shortly after 2Way launched its first app in 2014, British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) Chairman of Communications and External Relations, Tim Pottage, got introduced to 2Way through contacts at FÍA, their Icelandic counterparts. BALPA had been looking into options of having an app made especially for them but after carefully considering the pros and cons they abandoned those plans and decided to work with 2Way instead. Since then, BALPA has been a valuable development partner and an active promoter of the system.

BALPA 2Way app in Apple App store

“It has been a very successful endeavor,” says Pottage. “It got off to a slow start and a few hurdles, but once fresh people started getting on to councils and they realized the potential and started using it more, it has really taken off. Change is hard at times, even though the change is for the better.

Read all about how BALPA integrated the 2Way system and the best practices to run it.

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